A Thorn in His Brow

IMG_3068“Ouch, wait!  There is something hurting my foot.”

I brought the hiking crew to a sudden halt as I examined my river shoes.  Thinking it was a sharp rock, I shook my foot to force the pebble out one of the openings.  With a few more steps and a few more shakes it was obvious that the stone would not be deterred.  It was eager to take a bite out of my big toe.  Continue reading

For Goodness Sake

187975_blog 123rfYou know that little voice inside your head?  The one that makes comments and suggestions throughout the day?  Not the same utterance as the sound of your own thoughts, but the mouthpiece that seems to come from outside yourself?

Maybe you don’t have one, but I do.  In fact, I’m not sure if I could function without that little voice.  Continue reading

Trust . . . in Word or in Deed? (Part 2)

Woman Seeking GodThis week, as we continue to look at the basic elements of developing our “trust” in God, I’d like to summarize what I have found in my own search for answers. If you are just joining us, you may want to read my previous post which introduced the question, “How do you trust God, practically speaking?” In other words, how do you develop a trust in God in an area of your life where none exists?

When I want answers that stand the test of time and circumstance as well as surpass the wisdom of men, I turn to the only place that has proven itself as reliable: Scripture. A simple word search on Biblegateway.com was all it took to reveal several pertinent pieces of information. Let’s look at them together. Continue reading

Trust . . . In Word or In Deed?

Recently someone posed a question to me that I’ve found rather difficult to answer.  Given the astute nature and the sharp intellect of my readers, I thought I’d share this brain-teaser with you.  So, strap on your theological/philosophical thinking caps, limber up your typing fingers, and let’s see where this takes us.

When faced with a troubling issue or circumstance, it is not uncommon as a Christian to receive advice encouraging a greater “faith in God.”  But, practically speaking, it is not as simple as it seems.  “Faith”, or to more simply put it, “trust” is one of those intangible concepts that is evident in it’s results, maybe even definable in it’s necessity, but how do you put words to it’s invocation?  To create trust where trust does not exist is a perplexing practice.  Which bring us to our question: How do you “trust God,” practically speaking?  How do you instruct someone in the art of “growing your faith?” Continue reading

Right of Way

Driving. It’s something we do everyday. For the most part, we probably don’t even give it much conscious thought. The rules of the road have become common place – a second nature of sorts.

Recently, my Hubby-Lu and I changed our auto insurance policy. In the process they informed us that we could apply an additional discount if we took an online Defensive Driving Course by the National Safety Council. So we did. During the course, however, I was introduced to an interesting tidbit of information.

There are no laws dictating a driver’s “right of way”.

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