For Goodness Sake

187975_blog 123rfYou know that little voice inside your head?  The one that makes comments and suggestions throughout the day?  Not the same utterance as the sound of your own thoughts, but the mouthpiece that seems to come from outside yourself?

Maybe you don’t have one, but I do.  In fact, I’m not sure if I could function without that little voice.  Continue reading

The Corrosion Effect

1261183_blog 123rf“I’ll be happy to stay with the class until the she arrives,” I offered.  My child’s elementary teacher was running late from an early morning meeting and hadn’t made it back to the classroom in time to greet the students.  No biggee.  As a parent, I am certainly capable of monitoring 20 young students while they unpack backpacks and prepare for the morning’s lessons.  It would only be a matter of minutes before the teacher arrived. This would be  easy – or so I thought.

Continue reading