Right of Way

Driving. It’s something we do everyday. For the most part, we probably don’t even give it much conscious thought. The rules of the road have become common place – a second nature of sorts.

Recently, my Hubby-Lu and I changed our auto insurance policy. In the process they informed us that we could apply an additional discount if we took an online Defensive Driving Course by the National Safety Council. So we did. During the course, however, I was introduced to an interesting tidbit of information.

There are no laws dictating a driver’s “right of way”.

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Change of Plans

Have you ever planned your day only to have it turned upside down by some unpredictable interruption?

My life seems to be characterized by that statement. This summer I planned to get caught up on some projects. In reality, I was barely able to keep up with what each day brought. This past weekend I planned to shop with the kids for my Hubby-Lu’s birthday. In reality, I spent the better part of 3 days on the couch with muscle spasms in my back. Today, I planned to run some errands outside of the house. In reality, my daughter is suffering from a stomach ache as I type.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t generally adjust to these changes very easily. Continue reading

Freedom from Fear

There are dog families and there are cat families. We are a dog family, no question.

We currently have a maltese-poodle mix. In Luby-Lu world, he is Buddy-Boo, more than a pet – a beloved part of our family. By human standards, he is a spoiled baby and by doggie standards . . . he’s pretty much a spoiled baby, too.

But this story isn’t about him. It’s about his friend, Lizzie-Lu. Lizzie-Lu belongs to a family, friends of ours, that adopted her from a shelter when she was about 1 year old. Her poodle ancestry is evident both in her features and her demeanor – energetic, intellegent, vocal, and high-strung. But, I believe, her early upbringing may have created some characteristics that work against her.

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A Defining Choice

I just returned from a vacation in Mexico with my siblings and their spouses.

We’re an interesting bunch, my siblings and I, each one marked by their own personality and preferences. But, I’d have to say, we’re most interesting when we are together. We are like magnets on one another’s family traits, drawing out our shared strengths and flaws. Our group could easily be picked out in a crowd. Besides any physical resemblances you might notice, we’re loud and boisterous with a humor that’s decidedly sarcastic in nature.

It’s hard for us to show even the slightest seriousness without someone interjecting a cutting quip. Therefore, it is wise to think through every microscopic decision when part of the group. Any one, haphazardly made, could become the butt of every joke for the remainder of our shared time – or, the remainder of our lives.

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