Good Intentions Gone Bad

968413_blog-123rf“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”  ~Unknown

Here’s a saying who’s origin dates back to as early as the year 1153.  Although, personally, I thought it originated with my mother!

This expression always befuddled me as a child.  I knew what “good” meant.  And, as the youngest of 5 children, I thought I had an idea about “hell.”  But these two concepts never seemed to intersect with the other.  How could they be used in the same sentence?  Continue reading

A Penny for Your Thoughts? But It May Cost You More . . .

3601266_blog-123rfIf I have a friend who’s thinking is skewed, how much responsibility do I embrace in helping her see the incongruities of her thought process?  One conversation?  Two?  Twenty?  How far do I pursue my argument to help her recognize her blind spots?

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Election Day

An important question for an important day.  No matter what your political beliefs might be, how you answer the following question could reveal a lot about yourself.  Your first instinct may be to answer “both,” but let me encourage you to really think about which you believe is more important.

Please share your thoughts in the comments section (click on the title – a new window will appear with a box for comments at the bottom of the post).  I’d love to see some good discussion about your views while everyone has their political energy pumping.  If you’d like to keep track of the ongoing conversation, consider subscribing to the RSS Feeds (at the top of this page) for entries and comments.

A Fairy Blunder

In our house, the “tooth fairy” wears man pants, is prone to 5’oclock shadow, and has an alternate ego as a salesman with high travel demands.

I don’t know how or why it happened, but somehow that one fell into the “Daddy-do” side of our job delegations. I suspect it’s related to the fact that he conducts the lock down each night (putting the dog in the kennel, checking the doors, setting the alarm, etc.). Part of his nightly rounds includes peeking at our girls to ensure their safety and well-being. I guess if he’s the last one checking on them, it seemed logical that he perform the monetary exchange for any newly lost teeth. He’s going in there anyway, right?

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