Feeling Good!

My two daughters participated in Believer’s Baptism this Sunday and it was a memorable time for us all.  Part of what I’ll remember is the anticipation, the excitement, and the unexpected emotion.  However, I’ll also remember how different it was from what I expected . . . .

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A Decision of Trust

I was attempting a left-hand turn onto a busy thoroughfare without a traffic signal.

As traffic whizzes by at 50 miles per hour, I ask myself what I was thinking.  My saving grace: a center lane dividing the cross-traffic that might act as a temporary haven before I fully merge.  Time for a plan.  If I could make it to that center lane without being T-boned or cut off by drivers accessing that lane for their own purposes, I might have a chance of making it home in decent time.

I see an open opportunity from the left and pull quickly to the center lane.  Safe . . . for the moment.  Now I need to gauge the traffic coming behind and to my right while watching the traffic ahead in order to merge without being hit or rear ending someone else.  As I watch my mirrors, searching for a gap, a semi-truck flashes his headlights signaling that it is OK to pull in front of him.  I thought the choices I had made this far were challenging.  Now I am faced with another, a decision of trust . . . .

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What Don’t You Know?

Current Affairs — a subject that breeds blissful ignorance for me.

I am generally so consumed with my own day-to-day that I’m hardly aware of the local weather report, let alone national or international concerns.  Most of my broader knowledge base is made up of what my HubbyLu discloses at the dinner table.  Right or wrong, the majority of my days are characterized by a lack of information about things that do not need sack lunches, clean clothes, carpools, or doctor visits.  My bubble, in reality, is rather small.

However, with the most recent current events, it is hard to avoid the biggest headliners (even for the most skilled of ostriches).  And there lies the flip-side of “blissful ignorance”; once the ignorance is broken, so is the bliss.  Continue reading

Food for Thought . . . Literally

Woman eating

Hello Friends,

You may have noticed that my post is late.

I might blame the tardiness on my first case of “writer’s block.”  But that would not accurately explain my condition.  The truth is I ran out of fuel.

God has been incredibly faithful in my writing journey to draw my attention to a topic each week.  As I pray about my blog and its content He gives me a peace about my thoughts, bringing a confidence about what I will write.  Not so this week. This week, I’m empty.

I’ve spent some time today contemplating why this week differs from any other.  While adjusting to new activities, my families schedule has been a bit chaotic.  And my personal time has been subject to the tyranny of the urgentContinue reading