What’s the Rush?

336403_blog-123rfI had an unexpectedly late start to the airport.  It’s Saturday afternoon and I am in a hurry to return home so that I can celebrate Easter and my youngest daughter’s birthday with my family.  True to characterization, I am verbally coaxing the driver’s around me to move faster or move out of the way.  Don’t any of these people have someplace to go?  By the way they are driving, you’d think they had nothing better to do today than impede my progress.

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Right of Way

Driving. It’s something we do everyday. For the most part, we probably don’t even give it much conscious thought. The rules of the road have become common place – a second nature of sorts.

Recently, my Hubby-Lu and I changed our auto insurance policy. In the process they informed us that we could apply an additional discount if we took an online Defensive Driving Course by the National Safety Council. So we did. During the course, however, I was introduced to an interesting tidbit of information.

There are no laws dictating a driver’s “right of way”.

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