Keeping the Pace

423153_blog-123rfIt’s February and I’m already struggling in my consistency at the gym.  Can anyone relate?

If you’ve been reading along with me for awhile, you may recall my less-than-remarkable motivation for exercise from a previous blog (click here to read).  Maintaining my physical fitness is not my favorite pastime, especially when I grown accustom to my lack-of-fitness.  A simple reflection of my coming and going over the course of a week would probably lead you to the conclusion that I’d rather “nurture” my body with procrastination and comfort food than make the trek to the gym.

Taking mental note of my rapid decline, I have begun re-employing some techniques that help me to keep up the pace.  Continue reading

A Resolution for New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolution (nyoo  yirz  rez’e-loo’shen) noun – originally an early Babylonian practice developed over 4 millennia ago in which a person reflects on the past and ponders the future resulting in a commitment to a reformation, a restoration, a lifestyle change, or a new endeavor.


Most of you who are brave enough to pledge a New Year’s Resolution have probably done so by now.  What I want to know is how many of you have already broken your commitment, or maybe abandoned it all together, at this early date in the year? Have you ever wondered why New Year’s Resolutions are so hard to keep? Continue reading

The Divine Target

“Let’s go to the gym.”

I have decided these 5 little words are some of the most powerful in the English language.  They either launch adrenalin into your system upon contact, initiate inward groans from post-workout recovery nightmares, or inspire a guilt complex worthy of a full blown Double Chocolate Chunk ice cream binge.  In other words you either love it, hate it (but do it anyway), or don’t do it (even though your mirror has advised you otherwise).

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