Good Intentions Gone Bad

968413_blog-123rf“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”  ~Unknown

Here’s a saying who’s origin dates back to as early as the year 1153.  Although, personally, I thought it originated with my mother!

This expression always befuddled me as a child.  I knew what “good” meant.  And, as the youngest of 5 children, I thought I had an idea about “hell.”  But these two concepts never seemed to intersect with the other.  How could they be used in the same sentence?  Continue reading

What’s the Rush?

336403_blog-123rfI had an unexpectedly late start to the airport.  It’s Saturday afternoon and I am in a hurry to return home so that I can celebrate Easter and my youngest daughter’s birthday with my family.  True to characterization, I am verbally coaxing the driver’s around me to move faster or move out of the way.  Don’t any of these people have someplace to go?  By the way they are driving, you’d think they had nothing better to do today than impede my progress.

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Crimes Against Humanity

Recently, our pastor challenged us to live our Christian life in the “No Spin Zone” (to borrow a phrase from The O’Reilly Factor.  In other words, our daily walk should be authentic.  There should be no reason for a follower of Jesus Christ to put external “spin” on their personal beliefs, choices, or actions in order to get them to seemingly “fit” within the values espoused by the Christian faith.  Plain and simple.  Do I live that kind of life?  Can I avoid the cultural pressures to conform, and live day-to-day steadfast to biblical truth?

As a people-pleaser by nature, I know I sometimes struggle with “standing out.”  It is easy to succumb to preserving my “image” in order to avoid the uncomfortable tension of being “out there,” standing up for something on my own.  However, my Christan faith often calls me to that exact place.

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